Bondtuf PU100

Description / Advantages

Bondtuf PU 100 is a Single component, long lasting, permanently elastic, polyurethane-based waterproofing coating that may be applied and cured at cold environment. Easy And fast installation, Seamless finish, High UV & whether resistance & long term durability and wear resistant



It can be used as a flexible membrane and coating for exposed roofs, car parking, terrace, retaining walls, water  tanks, reservoirs and pipelines. All wet areas.


Approx 1.5 – 1.8Kg/ @ 1mm thick in two coats, depending upon site conditions

Pack Size

5 Kgs & 20 Kgs

How to Use

Surface should be clean and free from all traces of dust, loose materials and old coating materials. Do not thin the liquid as it is supplied ready for use. The surface primed and spread it with roller or a notched trowel to cover all surface. Apply in a thin continuous layer over the area to be waterproofed. Apply second layer 12 hours a er the first layer application (this period should not exceed 36 hours).