Bondtuf Aqua Coat 2K

Description / Advantages

Two component High performance elastomeric cementitious flexible sealing coat, to be used against ground and back Water based on modified acrylic polymer emulsion. Gives excellent waterproofing & UV resistance. Good adhesion on cementitious surfaces. Flexible in nature, can with stand expansion & contractions.



Terrace, Bathrooms, wash Areas, water Tanks, Swimming pools, retaining walls, Basement’s Exterior and interior walls.


1 to 1.5kg/ at 1 mm thickness in two coats.

Pack Size

20 Kgs

How to Use

Pour liquid into a container Add 10% of water ( 2 Ltr per 20kg pack) and mix slowly with slow speed drill. Add powder to the above mix in small quantities to obtain smooth and uniform paste. On wet surface apply with brush or roller. Keep stirring the mixed material to avoid setting. Apply second coat a er 4-6 hours. For protection against physical damage, a mortar screed may be provided.