Bondtuf Acrycrete

Description / Advantages

It is a single component acrylic based repairing and water proofing system. It is having superior water proofing and bonding property also U V resistant and crack resistant.


This is used as water proof coating, admixture in repair mortar, an injection into concrete and also used as screed.

Consumption / Coverage

Pack Size

1 Kg, 5 Kgs & 20 Kgs

How to Use

a) As water proof 2kg cement +1 kg Bondtuf Acrycrete .

b) As repair mortar 20 kg cement+30kg sand +3 kg Bondtuf Acrycrete +2ltr water

c) As Injection 2kg cement +1kg Bondtuf Acrycrete.

d)As a screed 3kg cement +5kg sand +1kg of Bondtuf Acrycrete